Moroccan is electrocuted after climbing onto train at Greece's border with Macedonia cxz 05:30:00 News World news cxz The man is believed to have climbed on top of the carriage before he accidentally touched the high-power electrical lines on top of the stationery train at the Greek border. Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts New tunnel at North Korea's power programme site revealed in satellite imagesThe tunnel (pictured) is in a new area of the Punggye-ri site, separate from three other 'I had a pubic hair transplant after years of insecurity about sparse bush'A woman has shared how she always aspired to have a full bush, but her sparse hairs meantOnly puzzle fans with sharpest eyesight can spot two cats snuggled in bedTwo mysterious moggies are pictured in a brainteaser – but at first glance, you may only You've been making pancakes wrong – home cook's tip ensures you'll never mess upCooking pancakes can be a right nightmare as they can break or get stuck to the pan – but