Southern Rail has got so ridiculous it now has its own game

Finally, someone has come up with a way to have fun based on Southern Rail’s depressingly endless stream of cancelled and delayed trains.

The next time you’re waiting for a train that might not come or sitting on another delayed service, resist the urge to weep or tear your own hair out.

Commuters’ revolt against Southern Rail continues

Instead, load up Southern Rail Tycoon – a simple game that aims to mimic the experience of thousands of people every day.

The game transforms you from a powerless commuter into a God-like character whose only aim is to ensure passengers are late for work or can’t get home to read their kids a bedtime story.

And it’s fun!


How to play

You are given a bird’s eye view of the station and, as trains pull in, you have to click on the guards to stop them boarding.

If your reflexes are quick enough, the trains are cancelled and… Read the full story

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