Britain stops taking stranded children from Calais Jungle temporarily - just as camp is demolished cxz 20:54:00 News UK News cxz The Home Office "reluctantly" suspended work at France's request despite fears stranded youths will slip into the hands of gangs Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Reckless driver ploughs into family car after performing HANDBRAKE TURN at busy junctionCatherine Greenwood slammed onto the brakes in the Volkswagen Passat to try to avoid crasFormer Eggheads star CJ de Mooi has been arrested on suspicion of murder Former Eggheads star CJ de Mooi has been arrested on suspicion of murder , Joseph C'We have our hearts set on one name for our son – but people say it's cruel'A couple who want to name their son John Doe have taken to social media to ask users for Today's horoscope for March 12 as Aries sees a promising day for their love lifeToday's horoscope for March 12 as one star sign is encouraged to set goals they can reali