Adorable pair of boxer dogs try to recreate John Lewis Christmas ad in their front room cxz 19:00:00 News UK News cxz They're not the first and they won't be the last 'real-life' animals to have a go at own festive advert as they jump into action as soon as Buster is on screen Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Today's horoscope for March 6 as Virgo is told to expect quality of life improvementsToday's horoscope for March 6 as one star sign is told how to maintain harmony in relatioThief's bizarre Michael Jackson dance caught on CCTV after finding £50 note in stolen walletKamayi Matumona was filmed breaking into a celebratory shuffle after pocketing cash swipe'I have a name everyone spells wrong and mispronounces - even my own family'I love my name. It's unique and has a story behind it - but it's not always easy having aWhere is the fake tan capital of the UK? This location spent £3,500 last year on the beauty treatmentWith UK weather not known for its sunshine, many in this city are now choosing to turn to