Big cat filmed by dad prowling just yards from his family home and children's playground in sleepy village cxz 17:19:00 News Oops - Weird News - Viral Video Sex News - Oops - Viral Video - Weird News Weird News cxz Philip White, 39, was looking out of his patio window when he spotted the giant animal in a field behind his home in his picturesque village Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts You've been making pancakes wrong – home cook's tip ensures you'll never mess upCooking pancakes can be a right nightmare as they can break or get stuck to the pan – but'Wife has picked themed baby names for our triplets – people say I should put foot down'A man has shared his horror after learning his wife wants to give their triplets matchingBoss uses 'puzzle test' in every interview - and doesn't hire those who failA boss has shared the secret test he puts his job candidates through to figure out whetheOnly people with sniper-like vision can spot plane flying through sky in secondsThis puzzle will put your eyesight to the ultimate test as it challenges you to spot an a