Donald Trump's Theresa May 'snub' blamed on confusion over time zones cxz 21:01:00 News UK News cxz Mr Trump called nine world leaders, including the premiers of Ireland and Australia, before getting around to ringing Mrs May Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Is this 'Britain's dumbest thief'? Caught on camera getting into the home of a CCTV engineer in broad daylightThe dozy man 'broke into' the property after propping a ladder he found in the garden aga'I lost 3st in weight in two years - but my diet lacks one important food group'Olivia Khwaja has lost an impressive 3st but now her and her family won't eat one common Killer who murdered antiques dealer jailed for life as list of celebrity targets including Simon Cowell is revealedDanaher was sentenced to 34 years in jail after stabbing Adrian Greenwood, 42, to death oDonald Trump snubs Theresa May by calling string of other world leaders before the Prime MinisterThe Prime Minister wasn't first on the list of world leaders the President elect called t