Reckless driver ploughs into family car after performing HANDBRAKE TURN at busy junction cxz 21:16:00 News UK News cxz Catherine Greenwood slammed onto the brakes in the Volkswagen Passat to try to avoid crashing - but the silver Punto smashed into her car Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts John Lewis advert sparks warning from animal welfare charities amid fears puppies will be abandonedThe new ad from John Lewis, featuring a boxer dog bouncing on a trampoline, is expected tCouncil watches mum lift disabled son up two staircases - but refuses her priority housing as she made it to topAnd in a few weeks muscular dystrophy sufferer Tommy, 4, will be in a wheelchair and famiNigel Farage slammed for skipping Remembrance Sunday to schmooze with Donald TrumpUkip campaigned for him to be allowed to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph last year. This yeaEnd of the Essex girl? Two fuming mums campaign to change 'insulting' dictionary definitionThe term is listed as meaning an 'unintelligent, materialistic, devoid of taste, and sexu