Thief's bizarre Michael Jackson dance caught on CCTV after finding £50 note in stolen wallet cxz 19:11:00 News UK News cxz Kamayi Matumona was filmed breaking into a celebratory shuffle after pocketing cash swiped from a vehicle Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Where is the fake tan capital of the UK? This location spent £3,500 last year on the beauty treatmentWith UK weather not known for its sunshine, many in this city are now choosing to turn to'I have a name everyone spells wrong and mispronounces - even my own family'I love my name. It's unique and has a story behind it - but it's not always easy having aFormer Eggheads star CJ de Mooi has been arrested on suspicion of murder Former Eggheads star CJ de Mooi has been arrested on suspicion of murder , Joseph CReckless driver ploughs into family car after performing HANDBRAKE TURN at busy junctionCatherine Greenwood slammed onto the brakes in the Volkswagen Passat to try to avoid cras