Chilling ghost-like figure of woman loiters in corner of car park before suddenly disappearing in eerie footage cxz 18:54:00 News Oops - Weird News - Viral Video Sex News - Oops - Viral Video - Weird News Weird News cxz The scary video begins with the warning: "What you are about to see are haunted events encountered by real people. Some may find it disturbing" Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Coin expert says look out for this error on 50p coins – they could be worth much moreA rare coin expert has pointed out a relatively common mistake on commemorative Sir Isaac'We have our hearts set on one name for our son – but people say it's cruel'A couple who want to name their son John Doe have taken to social media to ask users for Today's horoscope for March 10 as Libra senses tension in a relationshipToday's horoscope for Monday, March 10 will see Gemini refrain from asking too many quest'I lost 3st in weight in two years - but my diet lacks one important food group'Olivia Khwaja has lost an impressive 3st but now her and her family won't eat one common