Only a genius can solve this 'impossible' maths problem cxz 07:50:00 News Oops - Weird News - Viral Video Sex News - Oops - Viral Video - Weird News Weird News cxz You'll need the IQ of a genius to crack this challenging maths equation that has left thousands of social media users absolutely baffled. Seriously, this is only for those with an extreme love of equations Author : cxz Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Today's horoscope for February 27 as an unexpected issue throws Pisces' plans into chaosToday's horoscope for Thursday, February 27, sees one star sign involved in a trivial misFive clues that an afterlife really does exist, according to astrophysicistDr Hugh Ross believes there are several clues that can point to there being life after de'I finally looked inside my coffee machine tank - what I saw made me want to be sick'A woman who claims she cleans her coffee machine weekly looked inside the water reservoirBoss uses 'puzzle test' in every interview - and doesn't hire those who failA boss has shared the secret test he puts his job candidates through to figure out whethe